Some days at lunch, all I want is something that reminds me of my childhood! We always keeps eggs in hand so it quick and easy to take some boiled eggs and transform them into egg salad. It’s so quick after you have the hard boiled eggs ready and it’s really fun to try new flavour combinations. The egg salad sandwich that I love best includes green onion, diced celery, dill, and paprika.
I use rye bread for this though you can always substitute for a quinoa and whole grain bread or a sourdough bread. I also use a low fat, low calorie mayonnaise – Irresistible’s Life Smart Mayonnaise. You can also make your own with just egg whites and there’s a good recipe for that on In Jennie’s Kitchen!
Lucky for me, my garden is doing really well this summer so I have many green onions ready to be used already. I picked some in the morning and sliced it right away to put in the sandwich. The sandwich was whipped up in no time!

Healthy Egg Salad
An exciting twist on the classic egg salad!
- 2 slices rye bread
- 1 egg
- 1/2 celery stalk
- 1 stalk green onion
- 2 tbsp low fat mayonnaise
- 1 pinch salt
- 2 pinches freshly ground pepper
- 1 pinch dill
- 2 pinches paprika
Bring water to a boil and then gently lower the egg(s) in water. Make sure the water covers the egg(s) entirely. Lower the heat to a simmer and leave eggs in for 12 minutes. Take the pot off the heat, drain the hot water and then run the eggs under cool water until cool to the touch. If you aren't in a rush, we make a 1/2 dozen eggs earlier in the week and don't worry about taking the eggs out of the hot water and just leave it to cool on its own.
Peel the egg shell, and with a fork, smush the hardboiled egg in a bowl. Add the mayo to the egg until incorporated.
Chop up the celery and green onion into very small pieces then add to the egg mixture. Throw in the pinches of salt, pepper, dill, and paprika.
Spread the egg salad on the bread and voilà!